Exponential Medicine or quality of life medicine

Exponential medicine is the application of transhumanist theory to the extension of longevity so that sickness and aging are no longer viewed as fatal. It is an exactness medicine considering each patient as a single case.

Led by Doctor Roger LECURIEUX-CLERVILLE and specializing in exponential medicine, the team at RLC Systems Laboratory invents and creates for each of its patients, a customised combination of natural molecules (see article on NSPHB under the menu “Supplements”) to address individual deficiencies and health problems.

In exponential medicine, understanding and correcting the mechanisms involved in the cellular metabolic dysfunctions at the root of ageing and diseases caused by senescent cells means that an anti-ageing strategy can be put in place within a scientific, controllable and reproducible framework so that its effectiveness can be assessed over the long term.

 With the help of biology, computers and artificial intelligence, the team is developing a holistic strategy to allow the human body to function better. Beyond the nutrition and medical advice aimed at maintaining the balance, exponential medicine aims at regenerating the organism and its immune defence systems when it would have otherwise been weakened by traditional chemical or radiation therapy for widespread degenerative diseases. This is where exponential medicine demonstrates the full scope of its efficiency: it functions not only in disease prevention but also in the framework of care.

Exponential medicine is about using the quintessence of medical science to put into practice everything we think can be useful, and all the modern resources available to improve the way the body functions and interact positively with its environment.

This is the modern concept of holistic care for the human body. The aim of this approach is to maintain cellular balance in accordance with the physical laws of nature, in order to maintain good health and permanent rejuvenation.

All degenerative and ageing pathologies are covered: cardiac, cerebral, articular, digestive, endocrinological and neurological.

The 2 pillars of exponential medicine are :

  1. Cellular balance and maintaining physiological state;
  2. Supporting heavy treatments for serious degenerative diseases by controlling and limiting the side-effects of conventional treatments.

Exponential medicine has 5 phases:

 Phase 1: Assessment

In order to be complete, it must be four-fold:

  • clinical assessment
  • biological assessment according to needs:
    • assessment of food intolerances
    • determination of biological age (telomere index)
    • assessment of oxidative stress
    • lymphocyte typing
    • trace element profile
  • nutritional assessment
  • medicinal/drug assessment

 Phase 2: Profile

Customised for each patient, it considers:

  • food intolerance
  • over-medication
  • lifestyle
  • pH balance

 Phase 3: Adjustment

This phase is the most technical and takes into account:

  • nutrition: elimination of food toxins and all types of agents which contribute to cell degradation;
  • supplementation: of vitamins, trace elements and Natural Substances with Positive Health Benefits (NSPHB) to address deficiencies, balance metabolism and obtain cellular harmonisation;
  • physical activity: as required for each case.

Added to this, a study of the human genome by a DNA test is performed (by a Finnish laboratory) to interpret the genetic heritage and observe the activity of genes and their normal or deficient EXPRESSION.

The discoveries of this new discipline that is EPIGENETICS have upset the modern approach to medicine by studying the human genome (Europe has also embarked on this path with the adoption in February 2020 of a roadmap to achieve the goal of sequencing more than one million genes by the end of 2022. For more information, see the Roadmap).

Genetic testing is done for the following reasons:

  • 30% of our genes are structural (eye color),
  • 70% will respond to the environment by modifying their genetic code and expression,
  • this modification due to SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphism) will cause negative or positive reactions on the affected genes,
  • the tests carried out in Finland by a team of researchers, physicians and geneticists will help locate SNPs.

From a scientific and medical point of view, the tests allow:

  • study the genetic profile of patients,
  • to determine the genes carrying a SNP,
  • to give an appropriate response by environmental correction (Stress, Sleep, Food, Physical activity, Xenobiotics),
  • to influence and restore a corrected gene expression to prevent and cure certain chronic diseases,
  • improve the quality of life.

The analysis is thus comprehensive and allows:

  • nutritional recommendations
  • lifestyle recommendations
  • physical activity recommendations

Optimizing the quality of life with these recommendations stops the progression of degenerative diseases and improves well-being and physical performance.

In the event of a significant deficit, the correction will be accelerated by the supply of trace elements and vitamins, associated with nutrition.

 Phase 4: Verification

The benefits of the adjustments set up in Phase 3 are evaluated through clinical and biological assessments 3 months later. The treatment is readjusted according to results.

In addition, a human genomic analysis is performed through a DNA test (with a Finnish partner laboratory) in order to interpret the gene pool and observe genes’ activity and gene-expression: regular or defective.

By doing so, we can perform a global analysis and make suggestions in 3 fields:

  • nutrition
  • life-style
  • physical activity

Quality of life optimization through these suggestions stops the evolution of degenerative diseases and enhances well-being as well as physical performances.

In case of heavy lack, the rectification will be boosted by oligo-elements and vitamins supplementation associated with nutrition.

 Phase 5: Reassessment

Once a year, a detailed consultation will confirm the course of treatment in order to improve results in the long run.

 The balance of health is achieved by the elimination of toxins and cellular harmonisation. This allows for the preservation of each individual’s physical and intellectual capacities as long as possible.

Posted in Quality of life.